This is how berberine got my life in order. This is a long journey that we are all on and eventually you have to take life by the horns and make it yours.
I have always been over weight, from one thing or another, then my PCOS flared and I packed on 100lbs in 10 years. I just had my 10 years reunion from high school. In the photo above I was 287lbs, that is CRAZY. I can't believe I let this happen and I can't believe I didn't find this miracle solution sooner. This solution was berberine and eating healthier. I have tried many things in my years trying to figure out how to reverse my PCOS and my weight problem. I am so glad that I could finally find something that works for me, and it could work for you too. Make sure you do a ton of research. I did about a months worth of research before finally deciding to introduce this supplement into my routine. There are a BUNCH of articles out there about berberine and comparing it to metformin. There are some articles that talk about how berberine is more effective and you will see more weight loss with it over metformin. There is also very few side effects of berberine where as metformin there is a long list that most people experience and go to extended release so they can sleep through the symptoms.
I take berberine with meals, I use this brand personally and I take it 12 weeks on then 4 weeks off. These pills are 500mg and for 8 weeks I take 1 pill in the morning and 1 pill at night, with a meal. At the 8 week mark I take 2 in the morning and 1 at night, with a meal. This works best for me but might not for you. You should not exceed 2,000mg a day. This should be taken like metformin. The only side effects I've had is loose stool, going more often and losing some serious weight.
PCOS DIVA gives some great information on berberine.
Countless studies stand
behind its effectiveness in treating insulin sensitivity as well as a
host of other PCOS symptoms such as acne, anxiety, and excessive
androgen production. It has the added advantage of holistic application,
which means that berberine may regulate the functions of body by
targeting several mechanisms and organs, therefore alleviating metabolic
disorders (obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia) by getting to the
root causes. Much of berberine’s efficacy is due to its powerful
anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and androgen-inhibiting functions. | Read
More on PCOS Diva
Countless studies stand behind its effectiveness in treating insulin sensitivity as well as a host of other PCOS symptoms such as acne, anxiety, and excessive androgen production. It has the added advantage of holistic application, which means that berberine may regulate the functions of body by targeting several mechanisms and organs, therefore alleviating metabolic disorders (obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia) by getting to the root causes. Much of berberine’s efficacy is due to its powerful anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and androgen-inhibiting functions.Countless studies stand behind its effectiveness in treating insulin sensitivity as well as a host of other PCOS symptoms such as acne, anxiety, and excessive androgen production. It has the added advantage of holistic application, which means that berberine may regulate the functions of body by targeting several mechanisms and organs, therefore alleviating metabolic disorders (obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia) by getting to the root causes. Much of berberine’s efficacy is due to its powerful anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and androgen-inhibiting functions. | Read More on PCOS Diva
This site gives a great insight on berberine compared to metformin.
After 3 months of treatment, all 3 treatment groups showed significant reduction in body weight and BMI, with no significant difference between placebo, berberine, and metformin. Waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio also decreased in all 3 groups; however, the berberine group showed a significantly greater reduction in these measures than the metformin or placebo groups.
WebMd gives a list of all the possible things that berberine can treat, there isn't any sufficient evidence as herbs aren't monitored by the government.
Berberine can help with:
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
- High cholesterol
- Hypertension
- Immune challenges
- Breast Cancer
- Intestinal infections
- Joint problems
- Low bone density
- Weight control
- Hirsutism
If I haven't convinced you yet to do some research on Berberine I challenge you to do one 2 minute search on it and see where it gets you, maybe it will lead you to another supplement that will work better for you. You never know where research is going to get you.
Questions: What is a supplement that you feel wholeheartedly has changed your life for the better?
Down 30lbs so far