Monday, September 12, 2016

Hello There!

Hello everyone and welcome to Rainbows In The Rain. I will introduce myself, my situation and what I hope to come from this blog and then I will get to the really good stuff in the next posts.

My name is Cari and my husband is Patrick, we have a Beagle named Dotts and we are actively trying for baby number one. The purpose of the blog is to go through this journey that is already 4 years old and trying to have fun along the way. This is a blog about infertility and our journey to a rainbow baby but there will be a TON of other stuff along the way. I have a passion for so many things in my life and will share them all with all of you. I am learning along the way and can't wait to see what comes of this.

What do I want to get out of blogging?
Well, my journey has been a very silent one and for some reason this year I have started talking and things are getting real with my feelings and how many people have infertility. I know that we are never on this journey alone but I felt like it for the first 4 years and now it's time to break the silence and I'm hoping to maybe help you break your silence in your journey. I will also be reviewing items some that are infertility related but some that are just great things to have around your house. As time goes on I will be giving away items to some special people and I hope that everyone has a chance to interact with my weekly question. I am looking to help others the way I wanted to have help in my early years of this journey, if I can help one person I will be happy.

The name of this blog is Rainbows In The Rain due to miscarriage, infertility and just life not going how you planned. If you have a baby after a miscarriage it is a rainbow baby and is the sunshine in all of the rain. If you can overcome infertility then you are ahead of many women in this world that may never feel pregnancy or a baby looking like them.

I hope that we can have fun, play some games, enjoy some great answers to my group questions and maybe we'll all learn a thing or two along the way.

Welcome to Rainbows In The Rain!

Question: What do you hope to see from this blog, what do you want to learn?


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